How To Install Blogger Template

How To Install Blogger Template

Installing Blogger Template is a simple Process,but new bloggers sometime take a wrong step and as a result they lose their all blog posts/content.In this regard i will share some tips about how to install a blogger template.Installing any blogger template to blog is not a great deal,but the thing is How much you are smart?So Uploading Template to blogs just require some steps which are mentioned below.

  1. Backup :- The main thing is whenever you want to upload/install a template to your blog,must backup your Blog template,if you not may be you lost your blog posts.Now How To Backup Blogger Template it will be explained below.
  2. Extracting Blog template and uploading to blog.
  3. Editing and installing.
  4. Never Remove CopyRights

How To Backup Blogger Template

  • Visit Blogger dashboard.
  • Click On Template (See image below)
  • See here and there, you will see Restore/Backup at the left most of your PC Screen(Shown Below)
How To Install Any Blogger Template
  • Now Click On Download Full template
  • Now you will see a file in Downloads Directory (something like template12344.xml) and that's it.

How To Install Blogger Template 

  • Visit Blogger Dasbaord
  • Then Click on template
  • And Now Click On Back/restore
  • A Box will popup
  • Click on Chose File
  • Now Select the .XML File of template and hit upload
  • That's it,you have uploaded the template :D.
Extracting Template from RAR:- You may have seen that usually bloggers upload template in RAR Files,so now you have to extract the template from RAR.For Extracting follow the below steps.
  • Click On Template(which is in RAR File)
  • Now Right Click on filename.xml and click on Extract,then select Desktop and now you will see that file has been extracted to the Desktop.

Can I Remove Copyrights?

Template Authors waste too much time on designing a template,and another thing they are allowing you to download the template for free.So as a Credit award them with the footer link of their blog.If you remove Copy Rights  they can surely report your blog to DMCA and as a result your blog will be deleted in 24 hours.So Be Care full,always be original,never edit or copy.
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