Setting up a PayPal shop on your Blogger

Setting up a PayPal shop on your Blogger blog is quick, easy and free!

If you would like to set up a shop to sell your wares on your Blogger blog, here is a free way to do it.
All you need a  Blogger blog, a PayPal account, a Photobucket or Flickr account and a product to sell.
First, find an online store provider that you’d like to use.  If you have fewer than 5 different types of products to sell, consider using a free Big Cartel account.  You can set up your products and prices, set your shipping rates, write up descriptions and include an image of each product.  The payment method for this type of shop is via PayPal.  There are more advanced features available with a paid Big Cartel account, but if you only have a limited range, you can easily make do with the free version.  You can tailor the look of your shop to suit your brand, including uploading a banner image. 

Once you have set this up, your shop will have a unique Big Cartel website address.  Note this down, as you’ll need it later.
to put in your sidebar.  This can simply be an image file that links to your Big Cartel store when your customers click on it. Work out what size you want your store icon to be.  You might want it to be a little button or starburst that says “Shop Online”.  If you do an internet search for “photoshop buttons” you’ll find some great tutorials and even photoshop template files you can download and customize.  Alternatively, you might want a larger image that shows one of your products and says “Enter Shop” or something to that effect.  Either way it should clearly indicate to your website visitors that it will take them to your online store.
Once you have your shop icon or button finished, note down the pixel dimensions of your image (width and height) as you’ll need these later.  Now you’ll need to host your image somewhere.  A free photo hosting service like Flickr or Photobucket is perfect for this.  Once you’ve uploaded it there, you’ll need to note down  the direct link to that image.
Now go back to you Blogger blog select the Design tab.  Click on “Add a Gadget” in your sidebar.  The type of gadget you need is “HTML/Java Script”.  Then you need to paste in the following html code, leaving out any asterisks (this is very important: if you leave the asterisks in it won’t work!).

<div align=”center”>
<a href=”” target=”_blank”><img src=”http:/InsertPhotobucketImageLinkhere.jpg”  width=”xxx” height=”yyy” border=”0″ /></a></div>

The parts of the html code you need to customize are your personalized Big Cartel shop web address, the Photobucket (or similar) direct image link of your shop logo/button and the width and height of your image in pixels.
You should now find that your button or shop logo appears on your blog in the sidebar.  You can move this gadget around to wherever you want it to appear on your blog.  When your customers click on your shop icon or button they will be taken to your Big Cartel store and can start shopping.  If you make your Big Cartel shop look similar to your blog in terms of font and colors, it will look seamless to your customers, and will seem like a subpage of your blog.
You can update your shop logo any time you like.  You could prepare a few different ones, for example include one with “Sale” or “Special Offer” on it.  Just follow the instructions above and change the html code in the Blogger gadget to point to a different hosted image.  When your sale is over, link it back to your original shop logo instead.
You can also update your products in your shop any time you like by logging into your Big Cartel shop and making any required changes.
It’s quick, easy and free.  The only charges you will incur are the usual PayPal fees when you make a sale.

Happy selling!

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