3 Template Modifikasi Amburadul Banget

I created this template by blogger friends request, two modified template from the template Johny Joss Banget and a modified template from Johny Kenthir.

Johny Kenthir Banget

johny kenthir banget

Installation features of this template with Johny Kenthir template, for that is not clear please Johny Kenthir tutorial template is opened again. To note here in the mounting tab view widget per category is under the video category, installation method as follows:

Note the picture above, to change the title of the tab (diary, jazz and so on) find the following code in the Edit HTML:
Having met the above article change blue with the title you want to display the category tabber.
While to fill the widget with the label, still in Edit HTML find the following code (do not forget to tick the expand widget templates):
<div class='tabber' id='tab1'>
document.write(&quot; &lt;script src=\&quot;/feeds/posts/default/-/sport?max-results=&quot;+numposts9+&quot;&amp;orderby=published&amp;alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=showrecentposts9\&quot;&gt;&lt;\/script&gt;&quot;);
<div class='tabber' id='tab2'>
document.write(&quot; &lt;script src=\&quot;/feeds/posts/default/-/sport?max-results=&quot;+numposts9+&quot;&amp;orderby=published&amp;alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=showrecentposts9\&quot;&gt;&lt;\/script&gt;&quot;);
<div class='tabber' id='tab3'>
document.write(&quot; &lt;script src=\&quot;/feeds/posts/default/-/sport?max-results=&quot;+numposts9+&quot;&amp;orderby=published&amp;alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=showrecentposts9\&quot;&gt;&lt;\/script&gt;&quot;);
<div class='tabber' id='tab4'>
document.write(&quot; &lt;script src=\&quot;/feeds/posts/default/-/comedy?max-results=&quot;+numposts9+&quot;&amp;orderby=published&amp;alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=showrecentposts9\&quot;&gt;&lt;\/script&gt;&quot;);
<div class='tabber' id='tab5'>
document.write(&quot; &lt;script src=\&quot;/feeds/posts/default/-/jazz?max-results=&quot;+numposts9+&quot;&amp;orderby=published&amp;alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=showrecentposts9\&quot;&gt;&lt;\/script&gt;&quot;);
<div class='clear'>

Red writing above is fifth on the label that I enter this category tabber widget, you simply replace it with your label and adjust the tabber title that has been created.

Johny Light Banget

johny light banget

Because this template looks the same just different colors just by Johny Joss Banget, the installation is also the same way. If it is still not clear please open another template installation tutorial Johny Joss really. To activate the reply in the comments box, go to Edit HTML and do not forget to tick the Expand Widgets Templates then find the code below:
<a expr:href='&quot;https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=4145715786152726201&amp;postID=&quot; + data:post.id + &quot;&amp;isPopup=true&amp;postBody=%40%3C%61%20%68%72%65%66%3D%22%23&quot; + data:comment.anchorName + &quot;%22%3E&quot; + data:comment.author + &quot;%3C%2F%61%3E#form&quot;' onclick='javascript:window.open(this.href, &quot;bloggerPopup&quot;, &quot;toolbar=0,location=0,statusbar=1,menubar=0,scrollbars=yes,width=600,height=500&quot;); return false;'>Reply</a>
Replace red ID above blog with your blog ID located on the browser when you go to the dashboard, as shown below:

Johny Ember

johny ember

Blog ID for this template: 7709675643058616170 search on Edit HTML, then replace it with the blog ID to activate the reply function. For those not clear on how the installation widget on both template movie category above, I will repeat again how here.
In the above two templates are 5 pieces category widget for, you just insert or type the name of the label you want to display the widget on the fifth, as shown below:

From the picture above I put a label or category "best seller" in widget "Categoy Movie 1", you simply replace it with your label. Likewise for the other category widgets movie, you just type the name of the label on the box and the label you will appear automatically.
Update Templates

My Google Code was banned, there's so many script that I put in there can't be opened. But I already fixed it with the updates ones, you can re-download this template or you can change some script below

Johny Kenthir Banget
Click this link and read subtitle "Update Template" in that post for the latest updates of Javascript

Johny Light Banget
Click this link and read subtitle "Update Template" in that post for the latest updates of Javascript

Johny Ember
Click this link and read subtitle "Update Template" in that post for the latest updates of Javascript

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