3 Template Paling Sompret

This article may be too long, hopefully blogger friends are not bored reading it. But if you use one of these templates have to read it through. At first I was just trying to make readmore without using Javascript, eventually become two templates. At the beginning of the two templates in this article I use the feature to not put Readmore Javascript code in it, which of course his character so limited, the first maximum pixel size for thumbnail is only 72 x 72 px, you can certainly increase the size by changing the width and height CSS code. post-thumbnails on this template but the consequences are becoming increasingly blurred image. The second is the number of letters for the summary also is limited to 100 characters and is fixed on the Blogger platform no longer for plus and minus. So in both cases I mentioned above deliberately used here so that you do not ask again both.
The third template is actually a development of the previous template, Johny Classicsite. Because it is too simple and minimal features that I put on the template, I tried to modify the back to make it look more attractive. For the title of this article do not ever ask me why I love the title of this article as it is, because from the beginning I did not ever care about the title of the important contents dude ....!!

Johny Sompret

johny sompret

This template is the world's most jeepers, because bikinnya time dizzy and I often say jeepers time to make so called Johny jeepers (not disconnected blasssss ....). Features contained in this template what is it ..? You can see in the demo, which I attach to the slider automatically display the latest article. If you want to change the look of per label instructions you can read in the article Johny Blackstore template, because I put the same slider, just different CSS code only.
To activate the reply in the comments box at the Classicsite Johny template, do I go to Edit HTML do not forget to tick the Expand Widgets Templates then locate the following code:

<A expr: href = '"https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=119520779966455589&postID =" + data: the post.id + "& isPopup = true & postBody =% 40 % 3C% 61% 20% 68% 72% 65% 66% 3D% 22% 23 "+ Data: comment.anchorName +"% 22% 3E "+ Data: comment.author +"% 3C% 2F% 61 % 3E # form "'onclick =' javascript: window.open (this.href," bloggerPopup "," toolbar = 0, location = 0, statusbar = 1, menubar = 0, scrollbars = yes, width = 600, height = 500 ") return false;"> Reply </ a>
Replace red ID above blog with your blog ID located on the browser when you go to the dashboard, as shown below:

Black Beauty Template

black beauty

This template is not black, and not too close to let alone black beauty. Its the same with just different jeepers Johny template color only. To reply function that you should change the blog ID of red in this template 5806754556786281613 (stored nomernya who knows these numbers come out tomorrow), replace it with your blog ID. Same way as on Johny jeepers

Johny Jazzytube (Only for Youtube)

johny jazzytube

Well, if this template rather seriously cute, because in contrast to the two templates above. This template specifically for blogs with video content, and they even had a video from Youtube. This template requests Antonio Rios of Mexico in the article Two Free Template For Music Lovers and Game.
To display Youtube video into the post, of course, your favorite search first video on Youtube. Having met her a copy of the URL in the browser is as shown below:

Or you can also obtain this URL by clicking share at the bottom of the video, then check the box next to a small long link, then copy the URL at the top of the box, as shown below:

After you copy the Youtube URL, go to the new post positioned on the Edit HTML (do not compose), and then paste the URL ends with endofvid code (no spaces). To add text to the post, start by using the code [starttext] and end with code [endtext]. The end of this post as an example:


Your description here ..........
To display the video widget per category, go to layout >> add gadget choose HTML / Javascript and then enter the code below into it:

<script style="text/javascript">
numposts var = 3;
var showpostthumbnails = true;
var displaymore = true;
var displayseparator = true;
var showcommentnum = true;
var showpostdate = true;
var showpostsummary = true;
NUMCHARS var = 70;
</ Script>
Replace the red code with the sting label you want to display on the sidebar. And to enable the reply in the comments box, go to Edit HTML (check the Expand Widget Templates) looking blog by blog ID 3009056898743314712 replace your ID.
Confused to write anything anymore, because I'm that much aja ya. Oya minor third above template loading all the Jazzytube especially not until only about 67kb 70kb if not wrong. If you are interested please download the above three templates free of charge, the only costs aja internet connection, good luck and hopefully useful.

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