Gamer Darkpaper, The Best Template Gamer I Ever Made

One-time use English title let cool, and we apologize if the title is a bit narcissistic. Because of this template is the best template I ever made, it's from my own point of view, somehow view all friends. Actually I got confused, this template has been so since yesterday. I want a short story, it turns out this template there who want to buy, but on condition that this template is not shared for free on the internet, but if there are other people who may want to buy new again, this template should be created alias premium wearer must pay.

gamer darkpaper

After I think about it, the deal failed. I still want to share this template for free. It was the story this afternoon, now just about this template. Gamers Darkpaper his name, origin frankly I love this template to name, again there's no idea. In exactly the same appearance with Mas Paper magazine template 2 the only difference being the dominant colors that exist in the template. With the basic colors of black and red make this template look more alive daan on, let those who viewed ngantuknya so ilang. I design this template especially for games lovers (like me) but if you want to be filled with other content go ahead. The feature is also exactly the same the only difference being in the Feedburner box and related articles that are under postpage. I will be back again the tutorial here

Fitur :
  1. Slider carousel dan featured slider otomatis
  2. Multi level drop down menu.
  3. Automatic widget per category
  4. Pagination ready
  5. Ads ready dan widget twitter
  6. and more

Heading to layout >> add gadgets enter this code in the box HTML / Javascript:
<div id='featured'>
<ul class="ui-tabs-nav">
document.write("<script src=\"/feeds/posts/default/-/misteri?max-results="+numposts1+"&orderby=published&alt=json-in-script&callback=showrecentposts5\"><\/script>");
document.write("<script src=\"/feeds/posts/default/-/misteri?max-results="+numposts1+"&orderby=published&alt=json-in-script&callback=showrecentposts4\"><\/script>");

Description:Note the blue writing above, it is a label that I put on the slider. Please change as you wish.

Widget Label

Note the above layout template, for Your column labels here, Label 1, Label 2, Label 3 Label 6 until you just enter in the box labeled HTML / Javascript as the example image below:
For example from the above picture, you replace it with the label 3 widget title. entertainment Please be replaced with your own label. Keep in mind of the small letters should be the same as the label that you created earlier. So here you can just enter the label instead of script code, such as sports, news, culture and others into the box HTML / Javascript, then sve see the results.

Twitter Widget

Twitter widget for this template is slightly different from the previous version, but the same installation. To create a twitter widget enter the code in the box below HTML / Javascript:
<div style="background:#cc0000 url( no-repeat;padding-top:46px;padding-left:10px">
<script src=""></script>
new TWTR.Widget({
version: 2,
type: 'profile',
rpp: 10,
interval: 3000,
width: 280,
height: 122,
theme: {
shell: {
background: 'transparent',
color: '#aeaeae'
tweets: {
background: 'transparent',
color: '#aeaeae',
links: '#cc0000'
features: {
scrollbar: false,
loop: true,
live: true,
hashtags: true,
timestamp: true,
avatars: true,
behavior: 'default'
}).render().setUser('Johny Woods').start();
Replace Johnny Woods with your twitter username.

Feedburner box at the bottom of the posting

Find below script code in HTML edit (do not forget to check expand widget templates):
<div class='subscribe'>
<p class='intro'>If you enjoyed this article just <a href='' target='_blank' title='feedburner'>
<b>click here</b></a>, or subscribe to receive more great content just like it.</p>
<p class='feed'><a href=''>Subscribe via RSS Feed</a></p>
<form action='' method='post' onsubmit=';;, &apos;popupwindow&apos;, &apos;scrollbars=yes,width=550,height=520&apos;);return true' target='popupwindow'>
<input name='uri' type='hidden' value='JohnyTemplate'/>
<input name='loc' type='hidden' value='en_US'/>
<input id='botsub' name='email' onblur='if (this.value == &quot;&quot;) {this.value = &quot;Enter your email&quot;;}' onfocus='if (this.value == &quot;Enter your email&quot;) {this.value = &quot;&quot;;}' type='text' value='Enter your email....'/>
<input id='botsubbutton' type='submit' value='Submit'/><br/>
<small>Your information will not be shared. Ever.</small>

Blue color: replace with your feed address.Red color: replace with your URL.Replace also feed URL with the URL of your feed.

My advice, in using this template. Open the xml template, continue to copy into notepad then go to Edit HTML template, and then copy that is in notepad over there. After that save templates >> widget deleted. The next step into the layout, clear all widgets except, Your label here, Label 1 through 6 Labels should not be removed. after the preview template. This is done so that the default code template no longer participate in the arrangement of widgets which makes it difficult later. Widget and install new one by one. Once the template is modified simply normal heart's content. And keep in mind that this template uses a lot of javascript code, so if you want to insert a new widget that also uses javascript, check whether there is the same code though different series. Just use one of them. Good luck and hopefully useful ...... happy weekend
Advertising new template, if anyone wants to be shared if no personal use (completely automated from start categories_tinggal recent slider to enter a label to the widget)
Message from Johny:
Please do not be removed or replaced the existing credit link at the bottom of the right, when the left there are three that simply replaced with your bloglist okay
Regards - Johny Template
Because of the template yesterday still there is an error in the arrangement of widgets, the contents of all the Label Label 1 through 6 and try to put a label, select the minimum number 5. So for a new blog, and has not had many posts, the arrangement of widgets are stacked down, so multiply post and label first before asking questions.

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