Johny Banget Joss, Joss Templates for Film Review

I as one of the foolish and making a new template at the learning stage just trying to accommodate the aspirations of visitors. A desire to use a blogger template is inseparable from the theme of the blog that she stretcher, a blog with a theme of poetry or short story may not be so suitable if he wears a template for an online store or a template for the news magazine. This time I will try to share a template with one particular theme, that of movie reviews. This template is a request via e-mail a friend blogger from India who want a template for his film collection. Actually I've offered some alternative templates for movies like Johny Johny Darkmovie and Confused, but less suitable he said. Yes that, sometimes we make the suitable template for some people but not so good if seen some people again.

This template is only a modification of my template before Johny Crottube, slider feature that I use a different, here I am using Carousel slider that automatically displays the latest posts. With the dominant color of black and a touch of transparent and shading on some features, this template look more alive, for more details please you can see in the screenshot below:

johny joss banget

In the template there are 5 pieces category widget for, you just insert or type the name of the label you want to display the widget on the fifth, as shown below:

From the picture above I put a label or category "best seller" in widget "Categoy Movie 1", you simply replace it with your label. Likewise for the other category widgets movie, you just type the name of the label on the box and the label you will appear automatically.

To activate the reply in the comments box, go to Edit HTML and do not forget to tick the Expand Widgets Templates then locate the following code:
<a expr:href='&quot;;postID=&quot; + + &quot;&amp;isPopup=true&amp;postBody=%40%3C%61%20%68%72%65%66%3D%22%23&quot; + data:comment.anchorName + &quot;%22%3E&quot; + + &quot;%3C%2F%61%3E#form&quot;' onclick=', &quot;bloggerPopup&quot;, &quot;toolbar=0,location=0,statusbar=1,menubar=0,scrollbars=yes,width=600,height=500&quot;); return false;'>Reply</a>
Replace red ID above blog with your blog ID located on the browser when you go to the dashboard, as shown below:

Looks like it just needs to be described in this template, please you try it. Anyway I offered to blogger friends who want to create and publish their own template creation, I will be happy to help. And if the template was good and I used to meet eligibility standards will publish on this blog and in Mas Templates. Create a template that many advantages, one of which you will get backlinks automatically from the user template, such as a blog Creating this website was initially managed my brother, late in 2011 or before I became Admin backlink to this blog new 43, now approaching 3,000. .... quite right?

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