Johny Classicsite, Simple Template with Classic Style

One more simple template that I want to share to all blogger friends, I named this template Johny Classicsite suit looks like a classic blogger templates ancient times. 90% is just a template using color, please see the CSS code, which I put only three images with small pixel size that is on the background template, bullet in the footer and search button in the search box the other all game wearing shades.

johny classicsite Johny Woods

Clearly this template is very lightweight, SEO friendly a problem I do not dare say as a benchmark standard template SEO Friendly said each master blogger also varies. But at least all of the meta tag description for an SEO Friendly template arguably already I plug here. There is no specific tutorial in the installation of this template, you have to do is change the blog ID to activate the reply in the comments box, do I go to Edit HTML and do not forget to tick the Expand Widgets Templates then locate the following code:

<A expr: href = '" =" + data: the + "& isPopup = true & postBody =% 40 % 3C% 61% 20% 68% 72% 65% 66% 3D% 22% 23 "+ Data: comment.anchorName +"% 22% 3E "+ Data: +"% 3C% 2F% 61 % 3E # form "'onclick =' javascript: (this.href," bloggerPopup "," toolbar = 0, location = 0, statusbar = 1, menubar = 0, scrollbars = yes, width = 600, height = 500 ") return false;"> Reply </ a>
Replace red ID above blog with your blog ID located on the browser when you go to the dashboard, as shown below:

Another feature is not difficult, for both navigation in this template is the navigation page list so if you create a static page will automatically appear there. First wrote it, I was setting up another new template for blogger friends wrote but for tomorrow, then if this article so each posting so little. Ya already want to go back to work yet, good luck and hopefully useful.

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