Tips for Free Web Directory

Blog famous is the desire of every blogger on this earth. And certainly all of my friends also want to blog famous, right? Perhaps the most fitting title to my post this time, well .. not a problem especially if the backlink. Many backlinks, high Page Rank! is that right? depends on another site that is like. Here I will not discuss a good backlink is like, but I am just going to list some websites that can give you a backlink for free.

If you are serious to improve your blog's SEO value, the most important is to increase the value of your blog in the eyes of search engines (Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc.) to get backlinks as much as possible. To get one backlink to register your blog to various directory sites.

Here are a few web directories you can visit and please submit your blog link into it.

  1. RibCast Directory
  2. Search Engine Submission
  3. WebMasters Experience Directory
  4. ADD URL : Submit URL
  5. MiriBlack Web Directory
  6. SEO Court Directory
  7. Londovor Web Directory
  8. Free Web Directory - TheShoppings.Com
  9. Bee Directory
  10. Free Website Directory
  11. 000 Directory
  12. Web Directory
  13. Add Link - Suggest Link - Submit URL Directory
  14. Businesses on the Net
  15. CalPoly Directory
  16. Cool Web Site Listings
  17. eSiq Directory
  18. Evil Directory
  19. LINK ADD URL Seo Friendly Web Directory
  20. Tag365 Directory
Hopefully blog friends received and registered at the above web directory. Usually if it is accepted, then there will be a confirmation via email telling you that your blog is approved.

May be useful
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