Two Free Template with Slider Automatic

Tonight I will be sharing two more free templates completely automated, meaning you no longer need to bother to insert script code into the box HTML / Javascript to type in the box labeled HTML / Javascript then the slider and labels per category will appear there. This template is actually just a modification of an existing template, because many are asking the slider is made automatically, I work a back template let me be a lot easier for users to use.

Johny Simplemag

This template modification of Johny Magazine 2 who still use the manual slider Yahoo, Johny Simplemag I created such that all existing widgets with more dynamic and automated sliders still installing Yahoo. Yahoo slider here I made more simple, because only 4 post that can be displayed on the slider but the display is still the same.

johny simplemag

Now get on with it at the installation:

slider yahoo

At the entrance to the dashboard layoutThen select today's featured in layouts

After that enter or type the label you want to appear on the slider as shown in the example below:

Description:Replace sports with labels that you want (remember the small letters of the label must be the same as you have made)Similarly, for the title of the widget, you can replace it with a customized label.Label 1 - Label 6

To install the Label Label 1 through 6 is the same as above, you just type in the label you want displayed on the widget. See the image below:

Description:Replace news with your label, and change the title of the widget (label 1) with the title in accordance with the label.

Because of the template yesterday still there is an error in the arrangement of widgets, the contents of all the Label Label 1 through 6 and try to put a label, select the minimum number 5. So for a new blog, and has not had many posts, the arrangement of widgets are stacked down, so multiply post and label first before asking questions.
New Johny Darkgamer

new johny darkgamer

This template is long, but it was still a lot of demand. Yesterday there was a request to be made a template Johny Darkgamer but with Carousel slider feature automatically. Look almost the same as the old Darkgamer Johny, I just added a feature labels per category on the blog post and change the color to blue.


Go to Layout and then select the slider

The trick as the slider mounting template Johny Simplemag above, you just type the label you want to show in this carousel slider, as shown below:

Likewise Label 1 and Label 2 is in the layout template, enter the label and then save / save.
That was two free templates that I share with my friends blogger this time, good luck and hopefully useful.
Message from Johny:
Please do not be removed or replaced the existing credit link at the bottom of the right, when the left there are three that simply replaced with your bloglist okay
Regards - Johny Template

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