Handsome guy Template Wear It

Before I share this template, I want to tell you for a while. Yesterday there was a problem ask me to name the template, "Mas .. why does that make a template name must be weird, there Crott Johny, Johny Kenthir, Johny jeepers etc., instead of the names were not reasonable for a blogger template ? "I continue to like this answer, first I made ​​a cool name template Magazine Johny, Johny Portal and other names used by the makers of the template, such names are plural used. If you type in a keyword in the magazine or portal search engine Google, certainly a lot of the same article with that keyword.

Said the master blogger, we should be able to create a keyword or keywords that are unique to win the competition in Google SERPs ..... By the way SERPs doing? That is if there are people looking for those keywords, article we hang out at least on the first page of Google's search engine. Try now look at the title of this article, now you try to look for, where there are a narcissist myself with his confident says: The Handsome Use this template. Later, two months to come if anyone is looking for the key words "Handsome man" could be hanging out in this article the first page of Google.

Well, now consider the image in the screenshot below, I type in a keyword in Google: "Kenthir" and that appears though not number one, now try to notice, my template is used kenthir name is on the first page of the search engine, for that reason I likes to make the template name weird, just different from each other. If the other still likes the names westernized, so go ahead. Moreover, my first English school time can never score more than 7, so I know themselves what kind of quality English.

Now is the time division template free again, this template requests from people overseas, but do not know from which country it comes from. He liked the template Johny Joss Banget, but display the slider too big picture, he asked that reduced at least one row there are 6 posts in the slider. As long as there's no longer work, I was exhausted dawn dismantle all existing code in the template Johny Banget Joss, now just finished. There are two options that one dark and one light.

There are some fundamental differences in the template template than previously. In addition to other differences slider is:
  •      Sidebar toggle hide and show, works like accordion widget
  •      Installation meta H1 tag on each article title, essentially all of the conditions that exist in the templates SEO SEO friendly Worldwide least in my opinion, the Thesis template Squire've made ​​my blog all transfers in this template, please check.
  •      Minimization of the use of images or pictures, if the template Johny Joss Banget many uses images with the rather large size, the template has been reduced, more use of color.
  •      Star rating on each post, and the number of view articles.
  •      No javascript that I store in Google Code so you do not have to worry anymore with that account got banned, but as much as possible the code length script itself summarized and stored in your own Google Code.

Installation of widgets that exist at the exact same template to template Johny Joss Banget, so you please open the article if you want to use this template.

Johny Tampan

Johny Tampan

In the template there are 5 pieces category widget for, you just insert or type the name of the label you want to display the widget on the fifth, as shown below:

widget category

From the picture above I put a label or category "best seller" in widget "Categoy Movie 1", you simply replace it with your label. Likewise for the other category widgets movie, you just type the name of the label on the box and the label you will appear automatically.

To activate the reply in the comments box, go to Edit HTML and do not forget to tick the Expand Widgets Templates then locate the following code:

     <a expr: href = '"https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=30637789642614230&postID =" + data: the post.id + "& isPopup = true & postBody =% 40 % 3C% 61% 20% 68% 72% 65% 66% 3D% 22% 23 "+ Data: comment.anchorName +"% 22% 3E "+ Data: comment.author +"% 3C% 2F% 61 % 3E # form "'onclick =' javascript: window.open (this.href," bloggerPopup "," toolbar = 0, location = 0, statusbar = 1, menubar = 0, scrollbars = yes, width = 600, height = 500 ") return false;"> Reply </ a>

Replace red ID above blog with your blog ID located on the browser when you go to the dashboard, as shown below:

blog id

Johny Lebay

johny lebay

How to install the widget with the above template, blog ID on this template should be replaced: 981587371775371044.

That was two template modification of Johny Joss Banget, if there are not clear, please leave a message in the comment box. Well it's time to work, if there are any questions later this afternoon or evening bari can be answered. Congratulations activity may be useful.

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