Johny Simple Magazine, Easy Magazine Template For Your Site

template modifications that are specifically designed for those of you who have blogs news content, simple and not too complicated. This template is made inspired by the look of the site wordpress hack, but a lot of different parts. Although the header is made similarly but part of the homepage and postpage completely different. Below is the screenshot (click image to enlarge):

johny simple magazine

As with previous designs, bang Johny split 3 column on the homepage and only 2 columns on postpage. The design is very simple not too difficult way of installing the widget, the most just in the middle to make midlebar or specific categories with thumbnails, the way I described in the installation tutorial johny magazine widget template, ie by entering the code below and replace text blue background (entertainment ) with a label or category you wish to view.

<script type="text/javascript">

var numposts = 4; showpostthumbnails var = true; displaymore var = false; displayseparator var = false; showcommentnum var = false; showpostdate var = false; showpostsummary var = true; NUMCHARS var = 60;

</ Script>
<Script type = "text / javascript">
</ Script>
On the sidebar there are 4 measuring 125 x 125 ad, you just enter the code in the box below HTML / Javascript.
<div id="advertise">
<ul class="ads">

<li><a href="#"><img src="" alt="Advertise Here" /></a></li>

<li class="last"><a href="#"><img src="" alt="Advertise Here" /></a></li>

<li><a href="#"><img src="" alt="Advertise Here" /></a></li>
<li class="last"><a href="#"><img src="" alt="Advertise Here" /></a></li>
<div class="clear"></div>

For a Feedburner subscription box on the right sidebar of the artifacts made static if you want to edit his writings, should go into the design and then select edit HTML. You just search keywords then search Enews with control + F to make it easier. If you have found you just change the sentence, do not forget the URL Feedburner also be replaced with the URL of your feed.
For the rest is up to you to modify it yourself, if you want to see the whole of this template's demo click below. You can also download it for free, good luck and be creative with Johny bang-made templates may be useful. If anyone is willing to ask the existing contents of the comment box below or send an email directly to bang Johnny

If there's a problem with your static page in my template please read this Remove Automatic Readmore at Static Page Blogger or re-download it then you can upload the updates one (only for Creating Website templates and Johny Simple Magazine).

And for Johny Portal, Website and Johny Magazine Creating user templates, change this code (post body close to the header):

# Crosscol-wrapper {margin: 0 auto; padding: 0 auto}


# Crosscol-wrapper {margin: 0 auto; padding: 5px}

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